Here's a great bio for John Zacherley AKA "The Cool Ghoul", King Of Horror Hosts from a Chiller Theatre Special Edition magazine published waaay back in '98 when Zach was only 80! I have never had the privilege(or the moolah)to attend a ChillerCon but I bet it's amazing, just having a chance to meet Zacherley would be reason enough to go. Some might think it strange for a Southern boy like me, who was born too late and too far away to experience Zach in his media prime to have such a fascination with the guy. It started for me when I saw a pic in a book of early television history that my folks owned featuring Zach holding a bloodstained card that said "Be Neat"! This was before I ever saw an issue of Famous Monsters. A video he produced in the 80's, "Horrible Horror" was my first look at him in action and finally a video compilation of kinetoscopes from '58-'59 that appeared this decade only confirmed my suspicion that this guy was the Coolest and the Ghoulest! I finally found my own copy of his "Scary Tales" LP and will be sharing it with ya'll tomorrow along with my copy of his "Eighty-Two Tombstones/Lunch With Mother Goose" 45. 'Til then, get acquainted(or re-acquainted)with John Zacherley!...
Happy 92nd Birthday Zach, Whatever You Are!...