I hadn't originally intended to scan such a huge chunk of Fantastic Monsters #5 but as I went along I found myself wanting to spend more & more time with this issue, I guess it's time to
stop and smell the neuroses...Anyway, I divided the whole mess into three posts, part two will appear tomorrow...probably.

I was watching I Was A Teenage Movie Maker the other day and there was a bit where some guy whose name I didn't recognize and don't remember said something about SPFX guys in general and Paul Blaisdell in particular not "revealing their secrets"- well, I just had to laugh, I saw the photograph...just to set the record straight, Blaisdell & Co. were all about telling you how they did what they did in order to inspire young'uns to go out and create their own creations, as this continuing series of articles shows...
Don't worry kids, all the "Continued on" pages are continued on the following two posts! Who loves ya?...