Oh (My Lack Of) God, I was under the impression that The Fantastic Freaky Frankenstein Feast was going to start Friday night at midnight, not Thursday night at midnight. I was checking my email before beddy-bye and while I was at it dropped by the blog to discover- everyone else had already posted their FFFFFFFFFFFFF posts! This was at 12:45 a.m. Texas time! So here I am trying to gather up my marbles to be able to tell you, with genuine sincerity how great Craig Yoe's newest book is, I'm just going to show you this Frankenstein story first, it's from Prize #7 and is not featured in the book. I'll talk about the book and stuff at the end of the post...
I'm so unprepared! Dick Briefer's work on both the serious Frankenstein and the funny one(my favorite)is a wonder to behold, there's a reason why it's called the Golden Age. All I can say is that Craig's book is BEE-YOO-TEE-FUL to look at, a must have(if you hurry you can get it before Halloween!)and here's a lot of other places you can go to read about it, with reviews written by talented people who know what they are talking about and featuring Frankenstein stories not seen in the book...and they can tell you where to buy it, too!-
(I can't believe I screwed this up, I worried about it all week, I need mental help!...)
Sincerely, Prof. Grewbeard