Friday, November 14, 2008

El Halcon #167 - Mil Mascaras y Amigos

In the early and mid-70s i was a devoted Houston Wrestling viewer. The Houston Colisseum had matches every Friday & Saturday night and they were also televised on UHF Channel 39, hosted by the legendary Paul Boesch, a charming man credited with(among other things)inventing Mud -Wrestling! Anyway, imagine my joy when i started finding issues of El Halcon at our local grocery store's magazine rack! I saw Mil Mascaras on HW before i ever saw a Lucha Libre film, speaking of which...
I'm always having trouble deciding what i'm going to post next, so i often look to my fellow blogger's blogs for inspiration. So you & i both can thank Tenebrous Kate's Champions of Justice review for this one!

